Powerful 600 lumen bicycle light in a sleek and compact design with Cycling Tuned Optics gives this a long range and extra wide beam optimized for road and mountains. This powerhouse of a light is fully loaded for your cycling lifestyle.
Constructed to withstand tough environments featuring a robust, waterproof exterior and a flexible, reliable mount, all in a small size and a weight of just 72 grams. User-friendly with a rechargeable micro USB system, a lock for activating the light during transportation, and an indicator for low battery.
SteadyPulse mode alerts motorists with attention grabbing pulses while its overlapping steady beam constantly lights your way at night. DayLightning Flash bursts lightning-like flashes to make you stand out on busy roads in broad daylight.
8 lighting modes. For Night Use: Boost > High > Medium > Low > SteadyPulse. For Day Use: DayLightning Flash > Triple Flash > Zoom. Walking mode for use also as a flashlight (See photo # 4 for run times)
LOCK MODE: The light is initially set to flash rapidly when power button is pressed – THIS IS NORMAL. This lock mode feature disables the light for safe transport or storage. To use normally, simply press the power button for 6 seconds, let go when light stops flashing, and now it's ready to use.
One of the original American bicycle light manufacturers, Cygolite is the major American bicycle light brand with over 30 years of history. With exclusive designs and innovations, Cygolite proudly designs, engineers, and still assembles each light in the USA.